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lundi 14 août 2017


De belles perspectives avec ces pièces en enfilade,  de beaux volumes, de superbes parquets aux tons adoucis et de magnifiques moulures... 
cet appartement situé à Stockholm, n'a rien à envier au plus bel haussmannien construit à la même époque.
La déco plutôt moderne et purement scandinave rehausse sa beauté.

4 commentaires:

HelloPame a dit…

Hello :) I visit your blog daily but because I am too lazy I never leave a comment...until now...I was wondering if you were okay because it is unusual for you not to post regularly.

Anyway, I hope you are doing and feeling well and that nothing is wrong with you...and if, by chance, something is not right then I send you some love from the USA and lots of strength to carry on!

Your blog is beautiful and your posts and photos always make me happy so hopefully it will also make you happy to know that people all over the world are thinking about you and missing your posts too!



Stella a dit…

Hello Pam !

It is a health problem of a loved one who caught me off guard and monopolized me ... with that, I did not mind the blog.

I still give myself a few days' break and I will be back very soon.
Your message has touched me a lot, I'm really sorry to have worried you.
A big thank you for your interest for my person as for the blog.

See you soon,


HelloPame a dit…

Hi Stella,

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond, it sounds like you are very busy taking care of your loved one.

Seeing someone close to your heart be unwell is never easy. I know from experience.

I wish you well and hope all returns to normal and with a good outcome to your loved one.

Hugs and stay strong!


Tapis Logo a dit…

Rien à ajouter... juste admirer ces belles décoration d'intérieur.. c'est du high value